Terms & Conditions


The GIGICool.com website, its design, all text, graphics, content, and the selection and arrangement thereof are the property of GIGI Designs Limited, and/or its various subsidiaries, affiliates, GIGI Designs Limited , third party providers and distributors (“Third Parties”), and are protected under the copyright laws of Canada and other countries. None of the content found on GIGICool.com may be reproduced, republished, distributed, displayed, sold, transferred, or modified without the express written permission of GIGI Designs Limited  and/or the applicable Third Parties.

Cathy Pingitore, GIGICool.com, and all other Cathy Pingitore-related trademarks and design marks displayed on GIGICcool.com (collectively, the “Trademarks”) are registered and common law trademarks of Cathy Pingitore. Other trademarks and design marks appearing on this website are trademarks of their respective owners. The trademarks of MasterCard International Incorporated are used under license. Nothing contained on GIGICool.com should be construed as granting, by implication or otherwise, any license or right to use any trademarks, including the Trademarks, except with the express written permission of Cathy Pingitore or such other party that may own the applicable trademarks.

Use of Site

Neither the GIGICool.com website nor its content may be, in whole or in part, copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted or distributed without the written permission of Cathy Pingitore, except that you may download, display and print the content presented on GIGICool.com for your personal, non-commercial use only. Unauthorized use of GIGICool.com and/or the content contained on GIGICool.com may violate applicable copyright, trademark or other intellectual property laws or other laws. You must retain all copyright and trademark notices, including any other proprietary notices, contained within the content on this website. The use of such content on any other website or in any environment of networked computers is prohibited.

You are prohibited from contributing, posting or transmitting to this website any infringing, unlawful, threatening, libellous, defamatory, obscene, indecent, inflammatory, pornographic or profane content or any content that could constitute or encourage conduct that would be considered a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any law.

The GIGICool.com website is not intended for use by children under the age of 13. Use of the GIGICool.com website is void where prohibited by applicable law.

In its sole discretion, in addition to any other rights or remedies available to Cathy Pingitore and without any liability whatsoever, Cathy Pingitore at any time and without notice may terminate or restrict your access to any component of GIGICool.com.

Username and Password

Your GIGICool.com website account may be accessed only by use of your login name and password. You are solely responsible and liable for any use and misuse of your login name and password and for all activities that occur under your login name and password. For security reasons, you must keep your login name and password confidential and not disclose them to any person or permit any other person to use them, except an authorized Cathy Pingitore representative. Cathy Pingitore recommends that you choose a password that is unique to you and not easily guessed by others. You should change your password on a regular basis, and you must log out at the end of each session.

All login names and passwords remain the property of Cathy Pingitore and may be cancelled or suspended at any time by Cathy Pingitore without any notice or liability to you or any other person. Cathy Pingitore is not under any obligation to verify the actual identity or authority of the user of any login name or password.

You must immediately notify Cathy Pingitore of any unauthorized use of your login name or password, or if you know or suspect that your login name or password has been lost or stolen, has become known to any other person, or has been otherwise compromised.

Ratings and Reviews

Cathy Pingitore enables visitors to GIGICool.com to provide Cathy Pingitore with feedback by email or otherwise (“Customer Content”). If you provide Customer Content you grant Cathy Pingitore a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, and fully sublicensable right to use, delete, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, and display such Customer Content throughout the world in any media, now known or hereafter developed, for any purpose whatsoever, commercial or otherwise, without providing compensation to you or any other person, without any liability whatsoever, and free from any obligation of confidence and you waive any and all moral rights in the Customer Content. You also grant Cathy Pingitore the light to use the name you submit with the Customer Content, if any, in connection with Cathy Pingitore’s rights hereunder.

Your email or any other personal information you provide in connection with your feedback may be used to contact you regarding the information you have provided as well as for administration and/or other purposes as outlined in the Terms and Conditions.

Pricing Policy

Market conditions and competitive pressures may cause prices and availability to change without further notice and, although great care is taken in the production of the GIGICool.com website, typographical, illustrative or pricing errors may occur. We reserve the right to correct errors at any time.

All prices quoted are payable in Canadian Dollars and, unless otherwise stated, do not include GST, PST, QST or HST.

All advertisements on the GIGICool.com website are merely invitations for you to purchase goods or services from Cathy Pingitore and are not offers to sell by Cathy Pingitore.

Cathy Pingitore reserves the right to limit quantities and to reject, correct, cancel or refuse orders.

All Sales Final

All sales processed through the GIGICool.com website are final

Liability Disclaimer

Except as explicitly provided in these Terms and Conditions as amended from time to time, Cathy
Pingitore and the Third Parties make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied,
regarding GIGICool.com and/or any content provided and/or any products sold on GIGICool.com, all of
which are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. Cathy Pingitore and the Third Parties do not
warrant the accuracy, completeness, currency, reliability or suitability of the operation of GIGICool.com,
any of the content or data found on GIGICool.com or any product or products sold through GIGICool.com,
and expressly disclaim all warranties and conditions including implied warranties and conditions of
merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement, and those arising by statute or
otherwise in law or from a course of dealing or usage of trade.

Cathy Pingitore and the Third Parties are not responsible for late, lost, incomplete, illegible, misdirected
or stolen messages or mail, unavailable network connections, failed, incomplete, garbled or delayed
computer transmissions, online failures, hardware, software or other technical malfunctions or
disturbances or any other communications failures or circumstances affecting, disrupting or corrupting

Cathy Pingitore and the Third Parties assume no responsibility, and shall not be liable for, any damages
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In no event shall Cathy Pingitore or any of the Third Parties be liable for any injury, loss, claim, damage,
or any special, exemplary, punitive, direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages of any kind
(including, but not limited to lost profits or lost savings), whether based on contract, tort, strict liability, or
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herein, the operation of the website, or any failure or delay in the operation of the website (including, but
not limited to the inability to use any component of GIGICool.com for purchases) even if advised of the
possibility of damages.

Maximum Liability

If, notwithstanding the foregoing, Cathy Pingitore or any of the Third Parties should be found liable for
any loss or damage which arises out of or is in any way connected with any of the functions or uses of
GIGICool.com or its content, the liability of Cathy Pingitore and the Third Parties shall in no event exceed
in the aggregate $50 CAD.